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Introduction to our blog

A few words 'bout our blog Greetings, visitors! We decided to create a blog concerning mental illnesses, and just about everything...

February 20, 2017


As we all know, there are people with different skin color, different tallness and weight, different blood group or different sexual orientations on this planet. And it's exactly the same stuff with our brains.

Everyone of us has their own completely unique brain, one and only ideas, thoughts, feeling and opinions. Even thought, it's possible to divide people into certain groups according to their brain functioning. In order to make this all clearer, let's introduce an analogy with skin colors. There're Negros whose skin look more brown, and then there are another black people which are really completely black. Even though the color of their skin isn't exactly the same, we can clasiffy them into a certain category, the category of Negros in this case.

As far as our brains are concerned, the situation is exactly the same. If we function within the framework of current norms, then we are neurotypicals. On the other hand, if we differs in any possible way, whether it's specific or unspecific learning disability, ADHD, autism, any mental disorder or personality disorder, we're called neurodivergent.

The word neurodiversity then actually says that there is a big number of different brains while every single one of them works in it's own specific way. When we think about all this issue in details, we finally came to the conclusion that a "purebred neurotipycal" can't actually exist because we all have our own unique brains, as it was discussed on the beginning of this article. However, we can say about many people that they fall into a certain, currently accepted standard. Then we can call these people neurotypicals. It's great then to label everybody else as neurodivergent.

Neurodiversity itself is a very broad term. We can be neurodivergent in one or more areas. For example, if we have ADHD, dyslexia and depression, we are basically three times neurodivergent.

However, why am I actually writing about that? Neurodiversity itself is purely biological matter, just like above mentioned blood groups or sexual orientations. But, there's something called neurodiversity paradigm which we're going to discuss in the next post. What does this paradigm speak about? In that case that you don't know, stay tuned! Look forward to the next article!

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